mutual factor中文什么意思

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  1. Through analyzing the function of green space framework mutual factors within the second transportation loop in shenyang city , the paper forms the method system on the study of urban green space framework , and produces the scientific logical controlling approaches of green space framework
  2. On the basis of a questionnaire , the author makes use of spss to do the clustering analysis , then puts forward three main factors which affect the interpersonal relationship among teachers , that is , individual factor , mutual factor and exterior factor
  3. Individual factor is divided into cognition factor , personality factor , competence factor and appearance factor . mutual factor is divided into mutual space / distance factor , mutual intercourse frequency factor , mutual similarity factor , mutual complementary factor and mutual adoration factor . and exterior factor is considered to include social circumstance factor and school circumstance factor


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  7. mutual fire society 什么意思
  8. mutual fire support 什么意思
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  10. mutual force 什么意思



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